Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Emerald Ash Borer Update

Emerald Ash Borer feeding galleries
Last year at this time, we were consumed with figuring out how to deal with the reality that Emerald Ash Borer had been detected in Bucks County. A year later, this pest seems to have faded away. Not so!

While no additional detections beyond the original site in Warrington have been noted, the bug has not disappeared. There were many ash trees infested at this site and no doubt the adults that emerged from those trees flew off to mate and infest other trees. Studies of previously infested sites indicate that the infestation will move about ½ to one mile per year, even when attempts to eradicate the insect are in force. In addition, the infestation in Warrington is estimated to be several years old. So…..I figure EAB is most likely already established a few miles from Warrington, it just hasn’t been detected yet.

Still, the good news is that folks who fall outside of a 10-15 mile radius of Warrington can wait and watch. Researchers say that treating trees beyond this is a waste of money. This “lull” period provides time for people and communities to make a plan for the day when EAB arrives. It’s a question of when, not if, and that’s an important fact. There is no doubt that ash in Buck County will be killed when this insect reaches them.

For a refresher on Emerald Ash Borer, see this site.

On Thursday May 9, The Pennsylvania Horticulture Society will conduct and Emerald Ash Borer workshop at Neshaminy Manor Center for municipal, private and community professionals who are planning for the impacts of EAB. Contact PHS to register. Pre-registration is required.


Unknown said...

Thanks so much for sharing this information! I have been looking into emerald ash borer in Minnesota and where I might be able to find more information like this? Thanks again for sharing!

Scott Guiser said...

see this site http://www.emeraldashborer.info/#sthash.aguNeNzC.dpbs to keep up with EAB nationwide