Sunday, October 10, 2010

Montauk Daisies, Nippon Daisy… Nipponanthemum nipponicum

Mother Nature saved some of her best work for the end of the growing season with the Nippon Daisy. Also commonly called the Montauk Daisy (because it is commonly found on eastern Long Island), its Latin name, Nipponanthemum nipponicum, makes it pretty clear that this plant is native to Japan (Nippon). Plant lovers may also know it by its former Latin binomial, Chrysanthemum nipponicum. By its current classification, it is the only member of its genus, one of 477 genera in the Aster Family. So much for the nomenclature.

Almost precisely one year ago, I was on a busman’s holiday in Rhode Island, looking over the Kathleen Mallon Memorial Demonstration Gardens on the campus of the University of Rhode Island. They are created and maintained by Master Gardeners in that state and named for an Extension Educator who was instrumental in launching the Master Gardener program there. I was knocked out by the brilliant white show of flowers from Nippon Daisy. My plant pal, Mary Jane, quickly identified it and told me that they were as common as clams in Rhode Island. Then I started noticing them everywhere in Costal New England.

Back home, the Nippon Daisy faded from memory until I was in a very good local garden center this summer and asked if they had ever heard of them. I don’t see them used much in SE PA. The plantsman at the garden center agreed but said he was beginning to get inquiries about it. Sure enough he had a few containerized plants and they are now lighting up my fall landscape.

Nippon Daisy is hardy in zones 6-9 and is a rugged plant. It tolerates dry sites, does best in full sun and makes its floral display late in the growing season. It will grow about three feet tall and wide and requires some simple/easy pruning for best performance. They can become “leggy”, that is, produces naked stems but with a bit of pruning the plant can be kept a bit more compact. Plan to cut them close to the ground each spring. Most landscape design advice is to plan for something that grows a bit lower in front of Nippon Daisy to hide its bare legs as the season progresses. Some references say deer don’t care much for it and it has stood up to a modest test in my landscape. The floral display beings in late summer and lasts late into the fall. White is the word. Maybe it is the contrast of white with the reds and golds of our fall foliage that makes it so attractive. Makes a good cut flower, too.

Reading about this plant, I learned that the famous plant breeder and legendary, pioneering geneticist, Luther Burbank hybridized this species with other closely related species to create Shasta Daisy and other popular cultivars which we still enjoy. Apparently, it was the brilliant white that made him choose Nippon Daisy for his work.

It seems that my revelation about Nippon Daisy would cause a chuckle among coastal gardeners but until I see more of them in Pennsylvania landscapes, I will continue to talk up this great plant.

It’s not too late to search for this fantastic daisy in local garden centers. Call it Montauk, Nippon or Nipponanthemum nipponicum, this plant is worth a look if you are in the market for an outstanding fall bloomer for a hot, dry site.

1 comment:

Scott Guiser said...

fantastic cut flower. The vase on our table has flowers that were cut 10 days ago and they look like new.